Murder-Suicides Increasing Despite the Coma Imprisonment


Murder-suicide still a problem with Coma Imprisonment


The murder-suicide phenomenon continues to cause tragic consequences around the world. Despite the onset of the Coma Imprisonment on August 8th, 2026, murder-suicide rates have increased in nearly every single nation in the world.

It is well-known that it takes approximately one second after a kill for a killer to fall into the Coma Imprisonment. During that second, a killer has enough time to commit suicide, especially when firearms are the means of killing.

In most cases, the perpetrator of a murder-suicide has a gun in each hand. One gun is trained on the victim, and one pointed at the murderer’s own head. As long as the murderer times the trigger pulls correctly, a murder-suicide is possible.

Although murder rates have plummeted by 98% in the aftermath of the Coma Imprisonment, murder-suicides are actually on the rise.

Why Murder-Suicides are on the Rise due to the Coma

Belinda Bifouchi, a prominent psychologist and member scientist of the International Coma Imprisonment Consortium (ICIC) was available for comment via web chat.

“Perpetrators who commit murder-suicides are often socially alienated from others and bear much resentment,” Dr. Bifouchi explained. “The vast majority of murder-suicides are by young men age 16-30. People in this demographic are far more aggressive than those in any other demographic. There may be an increase in murder-suicides lately due to killers preferring death to the Coma Imprisonment. In the past, there was at least the possibility of committing murder and getting away with it. With the Coma Imprisonment now a part of the human condition, swift punishment will always follow a murder. ”

Murder-suicide Coma Imprisonment quote

A Murder-Suicide Tragedy in Chicago

A recent horrifying case in Chicago highlights the seeming randomness of the tragic murder-suicide phenomenon. Shaun Warman, a 24-year-old fine arts major, shot and killed his girlfriend of two years, Brianne Eagleton, a 23-year-old social media major. After shooting his girlfriend, Mr. Warman turned his gun on himself in time to commit suicide. The killings occurred in the 61st Street apartment that they shared. Friends on BlueBooklet expressed shock at the murder-suicide of a couple that by all appearances were warm and loving towards each other.

Chicago Police have concluded that this was a murder-suicide, despite rallying from Brianne Eagleton’s and Shaun Warman’s friends and family to reopen the case. Among the several elements of this case that remains suspicious is that Shaun Warman had no prior history of violence and had no experience with firearms.

Nation-wide, there have been 842 murder-suicides in the six months since 8/8. This is 75% higher than the murder-suicide rate averaged over the previous five years.


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