Chapter 19, The Immunologist


Saturday August 15, 2026 [8/8 +7]
Above the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, off the coast of India

The twin-engine helicopter roared towards Port Blair International Airport, located on the largest island of the Andaman and Nicobar archipelago, off the coast of India. The immunologist, Marius Johannsen, was getting briefed on the incredible events of the past week.

Marius stared at the man dressed all in black seated across the helicopter cabin.

“You have got to be kidding me,” he said.

“I’m serious,” the man in black said.

Marius leaned back and closed his eyes to digest what he had just heard. He could not believe that in the last two weeks–while he was on an island with no contact with the outside world–that the most inconceivable phenomenon in history had struck humanity.

One week previously on Saturday August 8, every person who had ever killed another human being collapsed into a mysterious coma. Subsequent murders after August 8 were also unavoidably punished by this strange coma. Hospitals worldwide were completely overrun with the sudden influx of patients requiring intensive round-the-clock care. Governments were scrambling, as many world leaders–including the President of the United States–succumbed to this coma. Apparently, ordering a kill from a plush commander’s chair also justified punishment by what everyone was now calling The Coma.

John Blackmore, Marius’ flight companion, fed him the information straight, as if he were discussing a new vaccine delivery system. He had introduced himself as a private contractor working for the U.S. in Myanmar–contracting for what, he did not say. He had received the summons from the White House to collect Marius just a few hours ago. And now he was filling Marius in about the Coma.

Marius could not believe what he was hearing. His entire medical and scientific training revolted at the idea of a near-simultaneous phenomenon such as this Coma striking humanity in the way that it had.

“So, why is it that you need me?” Marius asked. “When you landed, you said that Sherri Kelly needed to see me right away. How is the Secretary of Education involved in this… phenomenon?”

“Sheridan Kelly is no longer the Secretary of Education,” John Blackmore said. “She was sworn into the office of the President of the United States, after everyone ahead of her in the line of succession succumbed to the Coma, including President Parker Rhodes.”

“Sherri’s the President?” Marius exclaimed. “My God. What does she need me for? She is a… dear friend of mine, of course I will do what she needs me to do.” Marius thought back to their acquaintance nearly fifteen years ago and half-smiled. It had been awhile.

John Blackmore straightened in his seat. “This is strictly confidential for the next few days, but the world will know very soon. President Kelly will be convening a consortium of the world’s most renowned scientists, physicians, and specialists in D.C. sometime next week. This consortium meeting will be the nucleus of an international effort to try and understand the Coma.”

Marius nodded. “Of course. This should be moving very fast. So, Sherri will be heading this consortium? Good. She is an excellent…”

John held up his hand. “Dr. Johannsen, President Kelly needs a scientist to head this consortium, which will be the organization that will focus on getting to the bottom of this Coma phenomenon. Sir, that scientist is you.”

