Chapter 13, The President


Monday August 17, 2026 [8/8 +9]
Washington D.C., United States of America

“My fellow Americans. I address you in these times of vast uncertainty.

“On Saturday August 8th, the world was a witness to the most unexpected and unexplainable phenomenon to ever strike humanity. On that day, every person who has ever killed another human being fell into a coma. The media has taken to calling it ‘The Coma’–the title is appropriate. The Coma has baffled scientists, doctors, and religious orders. It certainly has baffled me.

“The Coma has struck down murderers and miscreants around the world. Victim’s groups are rejoicing at justice striking down the unjust. There are, however, many who have been struck down by the Coma that deserve our sympathies. Law enforcement officers and military servicemen who have killed in the line of duty have also been struck down. Moreover, thousands of people worldwide have been struck by the Coma who have no records of having killed anyone. These cases are under close investigation.

“It appears that the Coma has not only afflicted those who have pulled a trigger or struck a blade at someone to end another’s life. Those in command of others who do the killing have also been hit by the Coma. As you all know, President Parker Rhodes remains Comatose and is being cared for at a secure, unidentified facility. Moreover, leaders in Russia, China, Brazil, and many other countries have been struck down by the Coma. It has been surmised that these leaders have been struck down because of their orders to kill in military theatres. I would say that is a very good theory.”

Sheridan paused briefly and steeled herself for her next words. She stared down the teleprompter screen as if it were her new enemy.

“Close to one million Americans are in the Coma. My urgent task as acting President is to ensure that these Americans are cared for with the best medical attention that this country is capable of providing.

“The problem that faces us now is that of cost. The cost of caring for a Coma patient per day now stands at an average of $5,226. This is an untenable burden to bear for our nation. Therefore, I will be signing an executive order that forcibly reduces this per day cost to no higher than $4000 per day, per patient.

“I realize that many conservative voices have cried out to let these Coma patients die, as a just punishment for their crimes, that taxpayers should not bear the burden of keeping them alive. I say that this is not who we are. We cannot… we will not withold critical medical care for these people.

“We are at the crossroads. This may be a challenge to our nation, but I believe that most of us are willing to do the right thing.

“Good evening to all. God bless America. And God be on our side as we face this unprecedented challenge.”
